Thursday, 27 December 2018

Real Women -Real Experiences- 28.12.18

Real Women -Real Experiences- 28.12.18

Today I would like to discuss the impact of unwanted pregnancy on psychology of the unmarried woman.

A young unmarried woman who undergoes abortion either by taking tablets or by doing D & E ( in layman's language known as - washing of the uterus ), we find that she is in perpetual  worry lest her parents or family finds her true situation.

They are not aware of the law of the nation which infers that safe and confidential abortion is to be provided to all adult females regardless of their marital status.

It is also noteworthy that the records of each and every abortion procedure whether it is by tablets or D&E are kept confidential and are not revealed to any person on request even if they happen to be parents or in laws.

A few patients clarify these point with us and are calm after that.

Many don't ask this particular question, they may be living in doubt or worry for a long time.

As responsible Gynaecologists, we consider it our duty to counsel all patients to the best of our capability.

Dr Himani Gupta
Gynaecologist & Obstetrician
Director-My Gynaec World

Official Head Quarter
Mother ‘n’ Care Clinic
Shri Row House-F 44/30
Near Shivaji Chowk
Sector 12-Kharghar, Navi Mumbai

Ph +91-7506027299
      +91- 9820193283

People from following locations of Navi Mumbai can approach us for Gynaecology related advise

-Kharghar,Kamothe,Kalamboli,Panvel,Road Pali,CBD Belapur,Seawoods,Nerul,Vashi, Sanpada, Juinagar, Khanda Colony, Taloja

To know more log on to our website-

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Real Women -Real Experiences- 27.12.18

Real Women -Real Experiences- 27.12.18

Today I would like to discuss a unique but recurrent clinical situation that we Gynaecologists face.

If we are doing a second Caesarean delivery for a woman, we always discuss bilateral tubal ligation, a permanent method of family planning along with the delivery.

Many a times woman or the husband as well as the family members are not ready for it.

We counsel the patient and her husband at length about alternative methods of contraception to be used. Also it is explained to them that any subsequent pregnancy may be a health hazard for the woman.

If another pregnancy happens very soon after the Caesarean delivery, we need to be extra careful about termination process.

The point here is that regular methods of contraception whether it is daily basis oral contraceptive pill, condoms or copper -T are safer methods of limiting your family.

At our center during ANC period/ during pregnancy or prior to Caesarean delivery also we take extra care to counsel the couple properly about all the pros and cons of choosing right method of family planning.

Dr Himani Gupta
Gynaecologist & Obstetrician
Director-My Gynaec World

Official Head Quarter
Mother ‘n’ Care Clinic
Shri Row House-F 44/30
Near Shivaji Chowk
Sector 12-Kharghar, Navi Mumbai

Ph +91-7506027299
      +91- 9820193283

People from following locations of Navi Mumbai can approach us for Gynaecology related advise

-Kharghar,Kamothe,Kalamboli,Panvel,Road Pali,CBD Belapur,Seawoods,Nerul,Vashi, Sanpada, Juinagar, Khanda Colony, Taloja

To know more log on to our website-

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Real Women-Real Experiences 13- Down's Syndrome Screen Positive on Genetic Testing- Leading to Second Trimester MTP ( Abortion )

Real Women-Real Experiences 13- Down's Syndrome Screen Positive on Genetic Testing- Leading to Second Trimester MTP ( Abortion )

We happened to deal with a case of 37 years old women for whom Double Marker ( Genetic screening testing for first trimester ie 11-13 weeks) came as high risk .
Double marker test is a maternal blood test. Two hormones of pregnancy Beta HCG and PAPP-A are estimated and results are extrapolated against those women who gave birth to mentally  normal children.
Risk estimation is done for three syndromes
1) Down's syndrome
2) Patau's syndrome
3) Edwards's syndrome

For these kind of patients further testing for confirmation is also done by either CVS- Chorionic Villus Sampling or Amniocentesis. Both these tests avail samples of fetal cells for Karyotyping ( Determination of chromosomes and genes) .
Upon doing these tests for this patient , we found that this fetus was genetically abnormal.
Patient and her husband were counselled  about adverse condition of baby and second trimester termination of pregnancy was offered, which they accepted.

The point which we are stressing here is that in this modern age and era excellent ways of determining fetal health during pregnancy are available. They include Genetic testing like Double marker and Quadruple marker, above mentioned CVS and Amniocentesis, FISH ( Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization ) , Karyotyping and Gene mapping, Level 3 Ultrasound ( 3D and 4D ) and Fetal 2D ECHO ( for fetal heart defects ) . The list goes on further too.
These techniques offer benefit to determine to a large extent that  a physically and mentally healthy child is born to all parents.

My Gynaec World makes an effort to spread awareness about comprehensive woman health care through our website, blogs and YouTube channelBy
Dr Himani Gupta
My Gynaec World
To know more log onto our website

Official Head Quarter
Mother ‘n’ Care Clinic
Shri Row House-F 44/30
Near Shivaji Chowk
Sector 12-Kharghar, Navi Mumbai

Ph +91-7506027299
      +91- 9820193283

People from following locations of Navi Mumbai can approach us for Gynaecology related advise

-Kharghar,Kamothe,Kalamboli,Panvel,Road Pali,CBD Belapur,Seawoods,Nerul,Vashi,  Sanpada, Juinagar, Khanda Colony, Taloja

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Real Women- Real Experiences-12

Real Women- Real Experiences-12

In our day to today practice , we meet a lot of patients and get to treat them.

It is our observation that the institute of marriage is undergoing a paradigm shift.

As society becomes more liberal , young generation is indulging in free sex without the ties of marriage.

Psychological aspects and social aspects don't match for male and female sexes.

Expectations from the relationships are different when it comes to decision for future.

Female in the relationship which is now standing for many years, may want to go for security of matrimony, while male partner may or may not be willing.

We have come across even such type of cases, where female has chosen to have unprotected sex in order to get pregnant so that she can pressurize her partner for marriage.

Emotional tug of war that happens in such situations is heart breaking.

To continue or discontinue with the pregnancy becomes a ground for heated arguments.

At times pregnancy becomes so advanced that it can be terminated neither by abortion tablets nor by D&C

In such second trimester/ advanced gestation age abortions, mini labor kind of procedure needs to be adopted for abortion.

All these procedures come with their inherent risks and complications, much as we try to make it safe for them

One of the major concerns is future fertility.

The point here is wholesome education needs to be imparted to the young generation.

They need to understand certain life philosophies.

Use of contraceptives/ family planning methods is a must to take care of the woman concerned.

Along with 'Beti Bachaao-Beti Padhaao' We should also give Naara

Empower women

My Gynaec World makes an effort to spread awareness about comprehensive woman health care through our website, blogs and YouTube channel

Dr Himani Gupta
Gynaecologist & Director:-
My Gynaec World

To know more log onto our website

People from following locations of Navi Mumbai can approach us for Gynaecology related advise

-Kharghar,Kamothe,Kalamboli,Panvel,Road Pali,CBD Belapur,Seawoods,Nerul,Vashi,  Sanpada, Juinagar, Khanda Colony, Taloja

Official Head Quarter
Mother ‘n’ Care Clinic
Shri Row House-F 44/30
Near Shivaji Chowk
Sector 12-Kharghar, Navi Mumbai

Ph +91-7506027299
      +91- 9820193283

People from following locations of Navi Mumbai can approach us for Gynaecology related advise

-Kharghar,Kamothe,Kalamboli,Panvel,Road Pali,CBD Belapur,Seawoods,Nerul,Vashi,  Sanpada, Juinagar, Khanda Colony, Taloja