Thursday, 29 October 2015

FAQ-Why is sonography needed a few days after the taking of pills for abortion

Why is sonography needed a few days after the taking of pills for abortion


When tablets are prescribed the process of abortion occurs at home and after a few days, the sonography is done. 
It will determine whether the procedure of abortion is now complete.

Dr. Himani Gupta
Ph: 7506027299
Email -
Mother n Care Clinic.
Shri Row House.
F 44/30. Sector -12.
Near Shivaji Chowk.
Near Sanjeevan Hospital
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai (Near Panvel- Kamothe/ Kalamboli/Taloja/Road Paali/CBD)

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

FAQ-What Is The Significance Of Regular Menstrual Cycle When I Am Calculating Duration Of Pregnancy

What is the significance of regular menstrual cycle

When I am calculating the duration of my pregnancy, does it matter that my menstrual cycle has been regular or irregular


Ovulation occurs in the middle part of the cycle in a woman. 

For those women who have regular cycle,  it will occur somewhere around 14th day, starting the calculation from day 1 of menses.
In these women,  calculation of duration of pregnancy is more accurate.

When menstrual cycle is irregular,  the date of ovulation can not be determined accurately.
In these women,  calculation of duration of pregnancy is not accurate.

We need to determine the duration of pregnancy as the method of abortion by pills is generally offered to women whose pregnancy is less than 45 days duration.

Dr. Himani Gupta
Ph: 7506027299
Email -
Mother n Care Clinic.
Shri Row House.
F 44/30. Sector -12.
Near Shivaji Chowk.
Near Sanjeevan Hospital
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai (Near Panvel- Kamothe/ Kalamboli/Taloja/Road Paali)

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

FAQ -I Have Done Abortion By Taking Pills - When Can I Adopt Regular Method Of Contraception

After a lady has undergone medical abortion method,  she should wait for her next normal menstrual cycle to occur.
This next normal cycle may not come on time.
Till this time,  the couple should use barrier contraception.
After the normal cycle is resumed, a Gynaecologist should be consulted.
There are many safe methods of regular contraception. 
A lady can now choose whichever method suits her best

Dr. Himani Gupta
Ph: 7506027299
Email -
Mother n Care Clinic.
Shri Row House.
F 44/30. Sector -12.
Near Shivaji Chowk.
Near Sanjeevan Hospital
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai (Near Panvel- Kamothe/ Kalamboli)

Friday, 16 October 2015

गर्भपात- एक संवेदनशील विषय

जानने और मानने लायक बातें 

-किसी भी स्त्री के लिए गर्भपात एक ऐसा संवेदनशील विषय है की आज भी लोग इसके बारे में खुलकर बात नहीं करते. 
-अक्सर यह देखा गया है कि परिवार के अन्य सदस्यों , खासकर बड़े लोगों जैसे की माता- पिता , या सास -ससुर को इस बात की खबर नहीं होती। 
-शादी के तुरंत बाद गर्भ धारण होना या गर्भवती स्त्री का शादीशुदा न होना , ये दोनों ही कारण मामले को और पेचीदा बना देते हैं। 
-ऐसे समय में  लोग अस्पताल या गयनेकोलॉजिस्ट ( स्त्री रोग विशेषज्ञ ) के  पास  जाने में हिचकिचाते हैं। 
-उनकी समस्या का  फायदा ऐसे लोग उठाते हैं जो या तो डॉक्टर होते ही नहीं या उन्हें गर्भपात के विषय की पूरी जानकारी नहीं है। 
-गर्भपात की इच्छुक सभी स्त्रियों को यह सलाह है की ऐसे लोगों और उनकी दी हुई किसी भी तरह की दवाई से बचें।
-सुरक्षित और ऐच्छिक गर्भपात हर स्त्री का हक़ है और भारत सरकार ने इसके लिए नियम और कायदे बनाये हैं। 
-इन नियमों का पालन करने से यह स्थिति डॉक्टर और मरीज़ दोनों के लिए सुरक्षित साबित होती है।

डॉ हिमानी गुप्ता
स्त्री रोग तज्ञ
फ़ोन -07506027299

इ मेल -
वेबसाइट -
मदर n केयर क्लिनिक
F 44 / 30 , श्री रो हाउस
सेक्टर - 12 , शिवाजी चौक के पास
खारघर , नवी मुंबई (पास - पनवेल -कामोठे ,कलंबोली )

Thursday, 15 October 2015

FAQ -I Have Taken Abortion Pills. What Are Warning Signs That I Should Go Back To The Doctor


After the abortion pills start to take effect,  the bleeding will start.

-The lady is given instructions about the amount and duration of bleeding.
-She is also explained about the pain management and expected side effects of the pills.

Warning Signs 
If the nature of bleeding,  pain and side effects is different from what she has been told, she should report back to her Gynaecologist

Dr. Himani Gupta
Ph: 7506027299
Email -
Mother n Care Clinic.
Shri Row House.
F 44/30. Sector -12.
Kharghar.( Navi Mumbai/ Raigad)
Near Shivaji Chowk.
Near Sanjeevan Hospital

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

I Have Taken Pills For Abortion-How Many Days Will The Bleeding last

Abortion by pills is little different from the conventional surgical method

What happens after taking abortion pills
1)After certain period of taking abortion pills, the uterine contractions occur and the pregnancy is expelled out.
2)When this process is occurring, heavy menstrual flow like bleeding with some pain is experienced for a couple of hours.
3) Afterwards the bleeding will reduce in amount and will be more like a menstrual bleeding.
4) In my experience duration of bleeding in most cases will be around 5-7 days.

Your consulting gynaecologist is the best person to counsel you regarding the bleeding period which also depends on the duration of your pregnancy

Dr. Himani Gupta 
Ph: 7506027299
Email - 
Mother n Care Clinic. 
Shri Row House.
F 44/30. Sector -12. 
Near Shivaji Chowk. 
Near Sanjeevan Hospital

Sunday, 11 October 2015

I Am Unmarried, Can I Still Avail Of This Facility Of Abortion By Pills

-Government of India has laid certain guidelines. 
-A Gynaecologist providing the abortion services by pills will follow these rules.
An unmarried woman needs to follow the instructions of her Gynaecologist and she can avail the facility of safe abortion by pills

Dr. Himani Gupta 
Ph: 7506027299
Email - 
Mother n Care Clinic. 
Shri Row House.
F 44/30. Sector -12. 
Near Shivaji Chowk. 
Near Sanjeevan Hospital

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Why Is Sonography Needed Before Starting The Process Of Abortion By Pills

Important Fact To Remember:

The mating of female's ova and male's sperm happens in fallopian tube. This is where the early life begins. After 5-6 days of starting of embryonic life, it will come and get implanted in the uterus.

Why do we need to do sonography then.
It is done to find out two things. 
1) That the embryo has reached uterus and the growing pregnancy is intra- uterine. 
2)That the duration of pregnancy is within limits of pills method

Dr. Himani Gupta 
Ph: 7506027299 

Email - 
Mother n Care Clinic. 
Shri Row House.
F 44/30. Sector -12. 
Near Shivaji Chowk. 
Near Sanjeevan Hospital

Monday, 5 October 2015

क्या आप गोली द्वारा खारघर में गर्भपात करना चाहती हो

महत्वपूर्ण बात 
-आपको इसके लिए अपनी स्त्री रोग तज्ञ से सलाह लेने की ज़रुरत है।

-आपके गर्भ का समय डेढ़ महीने से ज़्यादा  नहीं होना चाहिये।

-रक्त दाब अर्थात BP को नॉर्मल यानि सामान्य होना चाहिए।

-रक्त में हीमोग्लोबिन (hemoglobin ) कम से कम साढ़े आठ ग्राम होना चाहिये।

समझदारी से काम करो 
अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह लो 

डॉ हिमानी गुप्ता
स्त्री रोग तज्ञ
फ़ोन -07506027299
इ मेल -
वेबसाइट -
मदर n केयर क्लिनिक
F 44 / 30 ,
श्री रो हाउस
सेक्टर - 12 , खारघर , नवी मुंबई
शिवाजी चौक के पास

Abortion By Pills Is Very Easy Nowadays In Kharghar. Contd - FAQ My blood group is Rh negative, any special precautions that I need to take

Important: Abortion by pills is generally offered to a woman whose pregnancy is within 45 days
By this gestation (duration of pregnancy) usually,  the antigens on Red blood cells -RBC 's are not expressed. 
Hence whatever may be the blood group of fetus that needs to be aborted, it will not cause harmful reaction in mother.
A lady with Rh negative blood group whose husband has a positive blood group, does not require any special precautions.
Note: consultation with your Gynaecologist and letting your doctor know of your blood group should be done
Dr. Himani Gupta 
Ph: 7506027299 
Email - 
Mother n Care Clinic. 
Shri Row House.
F 44/30. Sector -12. 
Kharghar,Navi Mumbai 
Near Shivaji Chowk. 
Near Sanjeevan Hospital

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Abortion By Pills Is Very Easy Nowadays In Kharghar. Contd - FAQ , How do I come to know that duration of my pregnancy is within limits of abortion by pills method?

Important: Abortion by pills method is safest when the duration of pregnancy is within 45 days

How To Calculate If You Are Within Limits

Following are the easy steps 

1) Remember the date when your last period / menses /menstruation started. 
2) Consider that date as day 1
3) Count 45 days forward from this date
Note: This method is reliable for those women whose menstrual cycle is regular
If you experience any difficulty in calculating the duration of your pregnancy, your Gynaecologist doctor will support you.

Dr. Himani Gupta 
Ph: 7506027299 
Email - 
Mother n Care Clinic. 
Shri Row House.
F 44/30. Sector -12. 
Near Shivaji Chowk. 
Near Sanjeevan Hospital

Friday, 2 October 2015

Who Can Seek Abortion By Pills

There are certain criteria listed below, if you fulfill these,  you can avail the facility of safe abortion by pills in Kharghar.
-The duration of pregnancy should be less than 45 days
-The level of hemoglobin is preferred to be 10gm/dl or more 
-You should be normotensive - meaning, your blood pressure should be in normal limit. 
- There should be no known history of allergy to any of the medicines that need to be prescribed for abortion

Note: These simple measures of precaution will be taken by your Gynaecologist.

Dr. Himani Gupta 
Ph: 7506027299
Mother n Care Clinic. 
Shri Row House.
F 44/30. Sector -12. 
Near Shivaji Chowk. 

Thursday, 1 October 2015

abortion by pills is very easy now days

Why Abortion by Pills is very Easy Now Days ?

There are few tips to make this situation very easy - 

  • Pills are easily available in Kharghar
  • Doctors are available in Kharghar ( You can contact Dr.Himani Gupta, contact given below )
  • Hospital Admission is not required
  • Consent of only pregnant women is needed 
 Note - Do not take pills without prescription from the professional gynecologist

Content Written by 
 Dr.Himani Gupta
Email -
Tel -  +91 7506027299