Tuesday, 13 October 2015

I Have Taken Pills For Abortion-How Many Days Will The Bleeding last

Abortion by pills is little different from the conventional surgical method

What happens after taking abortion pills
1)After certain period of taking abortion pills, the uterine contractions occur and the pregnancy is expelled out.
2)When this process is occurring, heavy menstrual flow like bleeding with some pain is experienced for a couple of hours.
3) Afterwards the bleeding will reduce in amount and will be more like a menstrual bleeding.
4) In my experience duration of bleeding in most cases will be around 5-7 days.

Your consulting gynaecologist is the best person to counsel you regarding the bleeding period which also depends on the duration of your pregnancy

Dr. Himani Gupta 
Ph: 7506027299
Email - mygynaecworld@gmail.com 
Web- www.mygynaecworld.com 
Mother n Care Clinic. 
Shri Row House.
F 44/30. Sector -12. 
Near Shivaji Chowk. 
Near Sanjeevan Hospital

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